Kitchen Integrity

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January 7, 2012


As long as I can make ganache, 
I'll maintain pride in my cooking panache.

:) I think chocolate makes me silly. 


1 cup whipping cream (half pint)
12 oz. (2 cups) semisweet chocolate chips 
(you can use milk chocolate or bittersweet, but this is the best)

In a medium saucepan, bring whipping cream just to boiling over medium-high heat. 
Remove from heat. Add chocolate but DO NOT STIR. 
Let stand 5 minutes, then stir until smooth. Cool 15 minutes. 
This frosts an 8- or 9-inch layer cake (double for thicker amounts of frosting).

Variation: Truffle Frosting
 Prepare Ganache as above, except double ingredients and use milk chocolate pieces only (NOT semisweet or bittersweet). 
Instead of cooling for 15 minutes, transfer to a large mixing bowl, cover and chill overnight. 
Beat with an electric mixer on medium speed about 30 seconds or until fluffy and of spreading consistency. 
This frosts tops and sides of two 8- or 9-inch cake layers.

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